Tag: visual

Found 25 extensions tagged with "visual".

visual related extensions

  • Visual OO Debugger 0.9.1 Extension for Visual Studio Code

    Visual OO Debugger 0.9.1 VSIX File for VS Code New!

    A visual debugger for Java for teaching object-oriented programming. The extension visualizes objects and variables graphically and can run a program step by step to facilitate a better understanding of how objects and variables change over the course of a program. ...

  • Visual Dark Theme 1.0.5 Extension for Visual Studio Code

    Visual Dark Theme 1.0.5 VSIX File for VS Code

    A fresh new theme for everyone who loves Visual Studio 2019 Dark Theme, but feels it could be done even better. Visual Dark Theme's UI design is inspired by some of the most well-crafted extensions in the marketplace - it's simple yet sophisticated. The theme works best for JavaScript/ TypeScript fi ...
