Tag: Copilot

Found 69 extensions tagged with "Copilot".

Copilot related extensions

  • 妙笔生花 - Wonderful 0.9.7 Extension for Visual Studio Code

    妙笔生花 - Wonderful 0.9.7 VSIX File for VS Code

    通过流程控制提高软件开发的效率工具,旨在通过人工智能技术与VSCode相结合,利用先进的大语言模型GPT,辅助开发者在软件开发的各个阶段,从需求分析到功能设计,再到代码实现与测试用例编写,提供全方位的支持。 ...

  • Nano Bots 1.0.3 Extension for Visual Studio Code

    Nano Bots 1.0.3 VSIX File for VS Code New!

    Boost productivity and power your workflow with Nano Bots for Visual Studio Code: small, AI-powered bots that can be easily shared as a single file, designed to support multiple providers such as Cohere Command, Google Gemini, Maritaca AI MariTalk, Mistral AI, Ollama, OpenAI ChatGPT, and others, wit ...
